Boscia Skincare: My Winter Skincare Routine (Part 2)

Good morning my beauty chameleons! Today I will be sharing with you all what I use on my skin. Many of you here and my subscribers to my youtube channel NHOP76 have been requesting and wanting to know what it is I use. And, now I will tell in a bit more detail. In this video I will show the products I use and why I love to use them in hopes of helping you get your skin to the best it as ever been or keep it is the best shape possible. Just remember, in addition to having a great skincare routine, diet is also a key factor in taking care of your skin and hydration topically and internal with water. Once you have those key factors you will have the amazing skin you always wanted. If you would like detailed information on the products I used in this video please check out my previous blog post " Boscia Skincare Review: My Winter Skincare Routine" by clicking "HERE". Otherwise for a list of products and where to purchase them click on the links below.

Products Mentioned In Video:


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