The Original Indian Hair Company: Wavy Indian Hair After 6-8 Weeks

Hello my beauties, this post is for my divas that love to rock hair extensions like me, and you have been dying to know what my thoughts are on the buzz worthy hair extension from The Original Indian Hair Company. Back in September, I installed 2 bundles of the 18″-20″ Indian Wavy hair in Natural Dark brown. ($199 per bundle! Yes, this hair is expensive, but you will find out why it is worth the price later on.) I installed every single weft used since the hair texture is fine to medium. Now if you like to have a fuller/ thicker installation than what I have then I highly recommend purchasing 3 bundles of hair in order to achieve that. However, I was happy with 2 bundles. Initially, when I received the hair it had a curly appearance and smelled to fresh and clean without that chemical processed smell. I contacted the company to see if they recommend to wash it again prior to install and they said it was not needed since they was it 2 twice before it is finally shipped to the consumer. I thought that was great, but you all know me, I washed it anyway with my Oscar Blandi jasmine collection line of hair care products I purchased from Sephora. Now, if you have not have my initial review video of the hair click “here” to watch it on YouTube.

Ok. .  The review after wearing the hair for 8 weeks now I can finally share with you my thoughts. First this first, this hair was very easy to style 3 different ways while wearing it for the entire time span. I was able to wash and let it air dry into messy soft beach waves with little to no product at all. (I wished I took some photos of it) Secondly, this hair was very easy to curl and hold curls too, however I caution you. If you live in a hot, dry or humid climate like I do you will definitely have to use some type of holding spray to elongate the wear of the curls throughout your work day. Without the styling aid your curls will loosen up a bit and will not last all day long. Finally, as for straight styles, this hair flat ironed beautifully as you will see in the video below.

Now, on to hair maintenance. You may be wondering what did I use on my hair and the Indian hair during the 8 weeks, and how often did I wash this hair, right? Well, washing my hair I wash it one to two times a week depending on how active my workouts were or how much styling product I used on the hair on any particular day. Here are some things to consider when it comes to how often you should was your hair and the installed hair.

  • If you are exercising 3 times a week I would wash your hair twice a week due to the fact that natural oils and sweat can weight down your hair and cause it to tangle.
  • If you heat style your hair daily and use lots of hair sprays and gels to hold your style on any given day I would wash it that night. You don’t wait to restyle your hair with all of the product left on it the day before. I feel you are asking for trouble like weighed down styles, tangling and breakage (shedding) due to excessive heat style and old product on it.
  • If you are very kind to your hair and don use excessive amount of product on it or a lot of heat and you down exercise often then once a week is fine.

The products I decided to use on my hair due to the climate and the frizzing I experienced are the Ojon damage reverse line of products you can find at Sephora and Ulta. Now don’t get me wrong the hair was not extremely frizzing, but the climate can increase the frizziness with any hair texture.

I feel these product worked wonderfully with the indian hair and kept it under control. Everytime I washed it with the Ojon it felt wonderful, less frizzy and luster was beautiful. Now you don’t have to use the same things I used on it, but any hair care line that works against frizzing and dryness is a perfect match for this hair. Since this hair is expensive I wanted to use quality products on it.

On to tangling, shedding or matting. If you take care of this hair like I mentioned above you will experience little to no tangling or shedding. While wearing this hair I did experience some shedding and I believe that had to do with me cutting the wefts for this install. However, the shedding was minimal. Tangling, there was very little tangling. The tangling I experience was just like any other hair extension I have worn in the past. When you are moving throughout the day the hair get little tangles, but nothing that my fingers could comb out gently. Matting, none!

Now, would I purchase this hair in the future? Of course I would! I would have to save some $$$, but if I am getting ready for an extra fabulous event and I want nice quality hair I would. Also the hair is worth the price because you can definitely get your wearing’s worth out of this hair. I truly feel that this is one texture you can wearing over and over again. This hair is lightweight, luxurious and fun to wear in many different styles.


The Original Indian Hair Company: Final Review of the Wavy Indian Hair (6-8 weeks of wear)



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