Yes…I Am Back On Nutrisystem!!

Many you all that having followed me on my NHOP76 on the Nutrisystem page, NHOP76 channel and now BeautyChameleon channel on youtube know that I lost 65lbs with Nutrisystem back in 2006 successfully and kept it off for 2 years after that too!! I was so proud of myself! I felt healthy, moved quickly of my feet, could wear anything I wanted! Heck!!! I was a size 8 and it was a joy to go to the store and buy something that looks good on my body!! I LOVED it!! This was an easy and great time in my life..I was an at home mom with a flexible schedule to prepare meals, workout when ever I wanted and still have time for my family and projects that came my way until…

I had to go back to work due to changes in my hubby’s job and such.. long story… With that said I had a hard time trying to adapt to the busy schedule of working retail full-time for Sephora Inside JCPenney, being a mom with a child who was at every playdate or group possible in order for him to grow relationships with new friends and a wife to an amazing husband, that I did not take time to maintain my new healthy lifestyle. Instead I reached for convenience foods and you all know McDonalds, Chilis, and anything made quick in order to save time for relaxing at the end of a busy day at work, child, homelife and such.. I did not make time to workout other than my two days a week workout at Martial Arts school. Ultimately the couch and ice cream was my workout, lol.

So after 2009 and to this present date my weight began to increase for 160-195 at it highest on average.. Over the last 3 years I have stay around 195 and have tried many things to get the weight under control like weight watchers, sensa, juicing, P90X diet plan, Turbo fire diet plans. I am not saying that those plans don’t work because they can. I just could not get a handle of planning and preparing meals ahead of time with my busy lifestyle.. I need something quick and made so that I can utilize the time to prepare and replace that 30mins to 1 hour with fitness and exercise..

So.. as of Monday July 29th I decided to go to walmart and pick up a Nutrisystem 5 day weight loss kit. Yes.. I said it you can find these kits at your local walmart!! Thanks to my friend Belynda who told me about it at work!! Thank you girl!! I am tried a treading around the same weight right now in my life.. I am 5’8″ and I carry the weight well, but….It’s time to move on and lose this 30 pounds of unwanted fat and I know for a fact Nutrisystem works for me!


Yes that’s me!! The before photo was on my 29th birthday back in 2005 (225lbs, WOW, right?) and the after was in 2006 at a photo shoot for Nutrisystem (160lb)….I know I can lose 30lbs with them again!! Nutrisystem will give me the convenience of well prepared healthy meals with structure and I don’t have to worry about cooking two meals one for my hungry guys (hubby and a growing 9 year-old son) and a healthy meal for me too! Heck if I have to life on Nutrisystem for life I will, hahahaha.

So far I have been on Nutrisystem 5 Day Weight Loss Kit available at walmart for only $44.95 and so far I have lost 8lbs!! I am so excited!! The kit comes with 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 dinners and 5 desserts, and meal planner with suggestions on what to add to your meals. It’s so easy and I do like the food. The example to the leave is my lunch.

new nutrisystem1

Now…I lost this weight with minimal exercise, but that will change because I am back to training at Martial arts and my family and I began walking/jogging at our local YMCA and…..I will begin to add more cardio like turbo fire and attending group classes at the Y too! Yipee got to get movin is the name of the game!!

Ok.. you are probably thinking, will I continue to use the walmart selection, and….I will continue with this method and transition to their 28 day program by ordering directly from Nutrisystem online for approx $240/month by my 37th birthday which is Sept. 2nd!! Woot WOOT!! Why? The disadvantage to doing the walmart plan is that they only offer 1 meal plan option and I know I will become board with that very soon. While online I can choose my meal options since there is so many I used to love and now they offer some pretty good new options too!!

So…needless to say I am excited to get started and continue until I reach my goal of 160lbs! I have so many cute clothes I would like to get back into and I can’t wait!!

For my facebook and youtube family, If you would like for me to chat about my progress on youtube please let me know by leaving a comment below. Until then…I will be back to update you with my progress next Monday on my official weight in date!!


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