Holy Cow!! I discovered that I am a bit stronger in Week 4 of the p90x program!! Yesterday was the beginning of week 4 and the first workout was. . . YogaX. You all know that I have a love hate relationship with this DVD, right? Anyway, I popped it in and I was able to make it through all of the vinyasas, running poses and warriors poses, yey!! I was also able to do this time around the crane pose with the assistance of my pillow so that I would not crash face down to the grown, lol. You are probably wondering if you are not on the series what is the crane pose? Here is a picture and you will now see my challenge:
Tasha Trying the crane pose in week 4:
Me Falling out of it with a smile, but at least I can finally do this week, lol 🙂
Phew!! I feel accomplished after doing that one. I am still laughing. Hahaahah. Anyway, the fun this about this workout is that my hubby joined me for a little while which was so nice and hopefully he will do it again. So, my point is keep trying the yoga if my 196lb self can do it, so can you!! All on all yesterday was great! I even made a new dinner that goes with the guidelines of the p90x. It was so good, and I forgot to take a picture, however, it will be leftovers for today so I will take a picture for you all on Day 23.
This week, I am really taking a deep look into my meal plan and tweaking it a bit so that I can be successful again this week.
My Meal Plan Yesterday:
- Breakfast: Eggs, grapes and water
- Lunch: Turkey sandwich, grapes and water
- Snach: String Cheese, orange and water
- Dinner: Pork tendeloins, asparagus, 1 and 1/2 serving of sweet potatoe and water
- Snack: protein bar
Well, I am off to the grocery store and I will be back later to update and post today’s progress with pictures. Keep on Bringing it, Tasha 🙂